Josephine Takup is no stranger to the surroundings of a classroom settings or standing in front of a class audience and teaching a group of adults.
In fact she is a model teacher in charge of adult literacy in her village Boroi in Bogia District, Madang province.
Boroi Adventist School in Yawari Ward 3 is run by ADRA (Adventist Development Relief Agency) a pilot project conducting education lessons.
Her field of expertise in the health sector is working with non-government agencies in her ward serving her community in providing much needed basic health services.
According to Josephine teaching has also become part and parcel of her experience, two jobs she says are very similar as it deals with people.
But one area that has also concerned her is the lack of knowledge her community know about savings.
The determination to educate the community drove her to attend CEFI’s second Training of Trainers Training held in Madang province.
She revealed in an interview that when the window of opportunity presented itself, she took it gladly knowing the knowledge she will be acquiring will benefit her people.
“Oh yes this is my first time to attend a ToT training run by CEFI,” she quipped.
“My dream is always to serve my people back home and now that I have finally completed this training I’m able to educate my people and teach them how to save and budget (their finances),” Josephine said.
Forty year old Campbell Poka an IT Technician by profession and from Baiteta Village, in the Ambenob Local Level Government area, thanked CEFI and the Department of Community Development and Religion (DoCDR) for the training.
“I’m really excited to go back to my community and impart the knowledge to my community and also empower and create employment opportunities for my youths back in my village,” Campbell said.
Josephine and Campbell were among 14 women who were part of 30 Training of Trainers participants who successfully completed a five day financial literacy trainers training held at the Madang Resort.
The training sponsored by the DoCDR and was held from July 8-12.
Among the distinguished guests invited to attend the training of trainers training graduation were, Madang Province Governor Hon. Ramsey Pariwa, Mr. George Awap, Assistant Governor, Financial Stability System Group, Bank of Bank of PNG, who was also accompanied by CEFI’S Executive Director Mr. Saliya Ranasinghe and Deputy Executive Director Mr. Peter Samuel.
Mr. Awap gave the keynote speech on behalf of the CEFI board and management where he emphasized on financial literacy being one of the pillars of sustainable development which thereafter the Assistant Governor then presented certificates to some of the participants with the help of other board members of the CEFI board.
“What you have just completed would turn you into what we call champions for financial inclusion,” Mr. Awap told the graduating participants.
“Being a champion is about fighting a course to make sure that everybody has a bank account and an opportunity to have access to financial services.”
Mr. Awap told the participants that being a trainer is an instrument that you can use to influence others to change their financial behviours.
Madang Governor Hon. Ramsey Pariwa who was present to witness the brief graduation ceremony and certificate presentation, congratulated the participants and encouraged them to go out to their respective communities and educate their people on financial literacy.
The Governor thanked CEFI and the DoCDR for facilitating and sponsoring the training adding this was also part of his administration’s plans to equip the people with financial literacy knowledge.
Image Captions:
Photo 1 – Josephine Takup
Photo 2 – Campbell Poka
Photo 3 – (from left) Mr. George Awap, Assistant Governor, Financial Stability System Group, Bank of Bank of PNG and Alternate Chair CEFI Board, presenting a trainee participant his certificate during the graduation ceremony.
Photo 4 – (from left) Ms. Susil Nelson Kongoi, CEFI Board Member and Chief Executive Officer Institute of Banking and Business Management, presenting a trainee participant her certificate during the graduation ceremony.
Photo 5 – (from left) Mr. Sanja Pepae, First Assistant Secretary, Macro Planning, representing Department of National Planning and Monitoring and also representing CEFI Deputy Chair and Board Member Mr. Michael Tumbo Kumung, presenting a trainee participant his certificate during the graduation ceremony.
Photo 6 – (3rd from left ) Mr. George Awap, Assistant Governor, Financial Stability System Group, Bank of Bank of PNG and Alternate Chair CEFI Board, (4th from left ) Madang Province Governor Hon. Ramsey Pariwa, CEFI Board and trainees pose for a group photo following the presentation of certificates.